本公司成立37年至今, 由店舖到設工廠, 不段務實地擴展業務, 主要業務包括: 回收廢紙, 五金, 舊衣服, 退港處理, 銷毀處理 及 廢物處理等.
我們備有完善工具 (包括: 鏟車, 勾斗 和 備物鐵籠), 車隊 (壓縮貨車, 夾車和尾板貨車) 及先進的大型自動壓包機. 為加快工作的效率,我司採用壓縮車到各商廈及倉庫等地方收集廢紙, 棄置書籍 和 棄置印刷品. 壓縮車處理速度比一般貨車快4倍。
此外, 我司設有屋苑和商廈一條龍回收服務, 分類, 壓包至出口到紙廠, 亦會收集街角店的回收物, 與不同屋苑合辦舊衣物回收以物換物及舊電器 回收等環保活動,好讓各屋苑居民加強對環保的認知,務求善用社會資源及減低環境污染, 為大眾市民, 屋苑至商廈提供回收渠道, 推廣環保回收, 從而為社會增加回收物料數量, 減輕堆填區負擔示為我司願景及使命.
Our company has been established more than 37 years, we started from a humble small shop to a factory now. Since we started, we are striving for excellence on our services and keep expanding on our business. Our services are on recycling of waste paper, hardware, old clothes, waste disposal and disposal handling.
We have all the standard comprehensive recycling tools which include forklifts, hook containers, storage cages etc., and advanced large automatic pressers. We use compressor trucks, clips and tailgate trucks to speed up our work. Our expertise are on collecting waste paper, used books, discarding printed materials in various commercial buildings and warehouses. Our compressed trucks can process four times faster than the ordinary trucks.
In addition, we have a one-stop recycling service for estates and commercial buildings; sorting, pressing and exporting to paper mills, collecting recyclables from corner shops, co-operating with different estates for recycling of old clothes and old appliances. We provide recycling environmental activities to enhance the community’s awareness of environmental protection, to ensure the proper use of social resources and reduce environmental pollution. We provide recycling channels for the public, housing estates and commercial buildings for promoting the environmental protection and recycling. As a result, we increase the recycling materials back to the community. Our missions are reducing the burden of the landfills and increase the public awareness on environmental protection.
唧車磅 所有廢料均採用唧車磅量度重量, 絕對公平及公正.
勾斗 丞接各類地盤清理, 回收建築廢鐵, 廢料, 泥頭垃圾, 裝修
拆建廢料. 清拆服務, 清拆還原等等.
經驗豐富, 服務誠懇.